Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Visualising changes in your Markdown pages

Following on from the last update which added a change history to your pages, this update polishes it off with the ability to visually compare between two versions of your Markdown pages:

Unlocking a hidden time machine

Did you know that when you use Dropbox to share your files between devices, it actually keeps a history of each change you make to your files? If you’re using the Mac/PC client, or an iOS app with Dropbox support, you’d never know, but locked away in Dropbox’s cloud is a history of your edits made from any of your devices & apps.

The only other way that I’m aware of to revert back to a previous version of a file is to log into the Dropbox website and do it manually. Unless you’re using a revision control system like SVN/Git, or Apple’s Time Machine, you may have experienced the frustration of having nuked one of your files. WikiPack just solved that problem.

For a Markdown editor with Dropbox sync, WikiPack is now an extremely powerful tool that lets you focus on writing your content without having to worry about what happens to it. Edit away, go crazy, because if you don’t like it or mess something up, you can easily compare it to an older version and revert it back as needed.

Check it out at http://wikipackit.com

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